We have been in communication with some individuals requesting custom ash dispersals. Mostly they are still "in the works" in terms of feasibility and costing. We thought it might be interesting to share some of these ideas with our website visitors. Only the names have been changed to protect the innocent.

  • We have been in communication with customers and working on putting together some of their ideas for their loved ones.  Here at Creative Gatherings we endeavor to make each dispersal a custom event that truly depicted the life and character of the departed.  Here are a few ideas that we have in the works. Only the names have been changed to protect the innocent.
  • Out With A Bang
    "Bob" was a very outgoing, very gregarious person. Always the life of the party. He always had a good joke to tell. He always said he wanted to go out with a bang.
    For Bob we are suggesting placing his ashes in a soft bag that is equipped with a parachute, and firing his ashes out of an air cannon from the dinghy over the water. The soft bag will keep the ashes together until the package attains altitude and then when the parachute opens, the ashes will disperse to the air. Our staff will then collect the parachute and soft bag after it returns to the water. This project requires some engineering to accomplish. Cremation ashes weigh in around five pounds or a little over two kilograms. That is a significant weight to deliver to enough of an altitude to have a beneficial visual experience. The use of explosives in the cannon would open a whole world of complications..... Another option will be to have multiple firings of the air cannon so that each firing will perhaps only lift one quarter of the ashes to altitude...
  • He was a die hard fisherman.
    "Dave" was a die hard fisherman. If he had an afternoon off, he was out fishing. If he had a free evening, he was out fishing. His holidays revolved around fishing. His winters were spent planning the next fishing trip.
    For Dave we are suggesting a full size manikan dressed as a fisherman, sitting on the seat of the boat as it slowly sinks. "Dave" would have a fishing rod in his hand, Sou'wester hat on and rain jacket. "Dave" would have to be attached to the boat as it sank so he did not float off, and so that when our staff recover the boat, we can also recover the manikan.
  • Sailing Off Into The Sunset
    "Gord" was a sailor through and through. He always owned a boat. He had sailed most of the Seven Seas. He had raced. He had cruised. He had built boats. He had worked on boats. If ever the line “Believe me, my young friend, there is nothing–absolutely nothing–half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats.” by Water Rat in The Wind And The Willows, applied to anyone, it applied to Gord.
    For Gord, we are suggesting remote control on the Viking boat. We do have a mast, sail and rudder for it, so with remote control we could set the controls in a waterproof box, load the cremation ashes, then set the dinghy to set sail away from the festivities. According to our calculations and depending on the winds, we could time it so that the dinghy just sailed out of sight as it sank.... Again, there is a bit of engineering to do to ensure that the remote controls do not incur water damage when the boat sinks.
  • Dancing Naked Under A Full Moon
    "Nancy" loved dancing. She loved swimming. She loved swimming naked. She said many times that she would like to dance naked under a full moon.
    For Nancy we are suggesting getting a chrome female manikan and attaching her to the seat of the boat.  The chrome finish on the manikan will be excellent for reflecting the light of the many candles and add to the ambiance of the occasion. The manikan would have to be firmly attached and would have to have the ability to let water in and air out as the boat sinks.   As the boat is raised, the water inside the manikan would have to drain out easily.

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